This is how the incident/accident went down: I hung up some clothes, normal right, well here's the kicker, not only was I hanging clothes on the actual clothes holder/bar thingy, I was hanging clothes on other hangers (my room = clothes upon clothes, upon clothes. Really, it looks like my closet threw up all over my entire apartment), I left the room for some time, and heard a loud sound. I thought, "hmm, whatever could that be," (imagine shocked face) and then saw my poor, little dog, Benjamin, running to me like something was after him. Something was after him! It was the clothes! The clothes were after him! This is what my little, sweet baby looks like when the clothes are not after him

And all of this is still left downstairs, piles on piles.
You are personally invited to join me on this journey as I cope with the everyday antics of shopaholism. What you can expect to see:
Awe, sooo cute, I know (proud Mama)!
Yes, the giant mess was caused from my extreme state of shopaholism. Yes, it was all my fault. Yes, I acted like this must be some freak accident and wondered why this happened to me. Like any person coping with an addiction would did I do? I ignored it! Ha! Ignored it! I even did a little "ha, i am ignoring you" dance (it's a good one, you should try it, don't be uptight)!
However, about a week later came packing-time, and I could no longer ignore the giant pile of clothes on my floor. So to see what I was actually working with and to complete my task of packing, I separated the big pile into smaller piles. Ultimately my closet was fixed, thank you handy man! And I hung up only the things that I had hanging on the actual doors of my main closet and the items I had piled on the doors of my non-broken winter wear/shoe closet. I thought there were only a few things, but I guess I am pretty good at space utilization (putting that on my resume!), because WABAM, this is what it looked like!!!

And all of this is still left downstairs, piles on piles.
You are personally invited to join me on this journey as I cope with the everyday antics of shopaholism. What you can expect to see:
DIY - I shall, like a magician, turn my stuff, into other stuff (snazzy I know)
Shopping - For you (not me silly I'm reformed, remember), I gotta do something about this mess
Personal Style - Let me show you how I combine my stuff with my other stuff (you just might like it, that is, if you're cool!)
Inspiration - What really gets me
Shopping - DUH, I lied about the being reformed part (Rule #1 Never trust a shopaholic)
Until then my friends, and foes perhaps, I do not know who is reading this,
Happy Shopping!!!
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